Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program – SINP 2020
About the Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program
An increasingly large portion of aspirants are choosing Saskatchewan as their permanent abode in the vast landscape of the country. The affordable housing, diverse community life, and high employment rate in the province are appealing factors for immigrants who want their specific skill set to translate into significant job opportunities in Canada. Since 2015, the () has been inviting more than 14,000 immigrants annually, to settle in the province. As per the 2016 Census, 10.5% of Saskatchewan’s population is comprised of immigrants. The majority of these are economic immigrants, who have been systematically chosen based on their occupation and other qualifications, to contribute to the local economy.
Distinct Pathways of the SINP CanadaDistinguished SINP programs are dedicated to serving specific applicant profiles:
- International Skilled Worker Category caters to skilled workers living abroad who wish to live and work in Saskatchewan.
- Saskatchewan Experience Category processes the applications of foreigners who currently reside in the province and are employed by a local business in Saskatchewan.
- Entrepreneur Category is for entrepreneurs who can establish a local business in Saskatchewan.
- Farm Category is designed to permit experienced farmers from across the world to own and operate a farm in the province.
How to Apply for the
The application process and eligibility criteria for each pathway varies. Each category is divided into several sub-categories which evaluate and select specific candidate profiles. For instance, the International Skilled Worker category is divided into three sub-categories:
- Saskatchewan Express Entry – for candidates applying for nomination through the online Express Entry system.
- Occupation-in-Demand – for applicants who are practicing a skilled occupation that features on Saskatchewan’s in-demand occupation list.
- Employment Offer – for those who possess a valid job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan.
The SINP process typically involves three steps:
Step 1: Apply for a nomination
An applicant who has filed an Expression of Interest in the Express Entry System may receive a Notification of Interest from the provincial authorities, inviting them to apply for a nomination. Alternatively, the applicant can directly contact the Saskatchewan immigration authority and follow the online application procedure of the relevant sub-category.
Step 2: Receive a Nomination
If the applicant meets the stipulated requirements of the immigration program, they will be nominated by the province. They will be evaluated through according to distinct requirements relevant to the sub-category and/or a point allocation system based on their age, language skills, education, employment experience, adaptability, etc. Availability of sufficient settlement funds may also be taken into consideration. The nomination makes them eligible to apply for permanent residence to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Step 3: Visa Application
Upon receiving the nomination, the applicant can to IRCC. After due verification, the authority may grant the visa.
IELTS Requirement
International skilled workers applying via the Express Entry system must score Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or higher in the IELTS Preparation, while workers applying under most other categories require a minimum score of CLB 4.
Processing Time
Typically, authorities require 3 to 6 months to issue a nomination. Additionally, the IRCC processing time is 6 months for PR applications filed under the category, and 15 to 19 months for applications filed under the Occupation in Demand category.
In order to be updated with the latest regarding EOI draws, Skilled Occupations Lists, etc. and gain in depth knowledge about immigration procedures and requirements, it is advisable to contact a genuine. A I M HIGH ADVISORY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES has consistently maintained legitimacy and quality in the variety of consultancy services offered, with the intention of facilitating the journey of hopeful immigrants towards their desired destination.