Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program – Alberta PNP
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is basically a separate Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allowing the province to duly offer nomination to aspirants on the basis of their specific expertise and skills to migrate and stay on its soils. The involved governing organization responsible for the nominee program, and the yearly immigration share required to positively address the province’s immigration specific requirements is the Alberta Ministry of Employment and Immigration.
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is an economic immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta with the Government of Canada’s department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It supports Alberta’s economic growth by attracting and retaining work-ready immigrants to the province.
People nominated by the Government of Alberta along with their partner/common-law partner and dependent kids can present a petition for Canadian Permanent Resident (PR), via the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), as a Provincial Nominee under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). The CIC makes the final decisions on every Provincial Nominee permanent resident petitions.
Through the latest accord, the applicants satisfying the federal admissibility needs are provided with Alberta Provincial Nomination Certificate, and this improves the processing pace of their petition.
Via the latest PNP agreement, there is not-any longer an upper-limit on the immigrants’ number that can be given nomination for Permanent Residency (PR) in the province annually. There is also no date of expiry. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) will continue pending further notice, with the province offering goals for the (CIC) to duly fit in its annual planning for immigration levels.
Via the latest PNP deal, some measures have been adopted, to ease and improve the pace of the overseas employee immigration and staffing by recruiters in need. And, this covers the Canada Alberta Working Group creation, to rapidly discover the scarcity of labor and resolve the issue. Also, the federal administration & Alberta have given sanction to a pilot project aiming to improve the speed of immigration of healthcare experts.
Overview (Key details about Alberta)
Population, Geography
The province is a leading settlement destination for the object of immigration to Canada even while it finds a place in the list of top immigration hotpots of Canada proffering high quality lifestyle. Alberta houses over 3.3 million people. Courtesy its insignia as the global chief in natural oil and gas business, it is famous as the Energy Province of Canada. The capital city Edmonton & the city of Calgary jointly share the biggest population of the province more than 1 million apiece.
Economy, Employment
The province shows handsome economic rate of growth and is full of breaks for additional economic development. The province’s economy is primarily propelled by flourishing energy industry; it is the most important employment provider of the region, responsible for over 275,000 work opportunities. Oil sands missions have been the leading job provider for 2010-2011 and also before.
The province has a branched-out economy. Apart from natural oil & gas, some other segments, such as manufacturing, have improved by almost 100% in size. Conventional huge ranching &farming businesses have also continued to generate well-paying employment opportunities for the migrating overseas people. For Canada aliens, eager to get a well-paying job in the country, there cannot be a better place than Alberta.
Jobs, Working Circumstances
The province boasts of the lowest rate of unemployment, vis-à-vis other Canadian provinces. It has a huge need of the overseas trained manpower even as it proffers superior &competitive wages and wages, further augmented with the least personal taxation across the Federal Canada. Apart from this, one can save much of his earnings thanks to lower taxation.
Remarkably, the yearly immigration allocation for permanent residence and impermanent overseas employees has been improved to permit additional visitors to reside in the province. Calgary & Edmond continually find a place in the top list of places for work purposes across the globe by the various worldwide studies.
Accessibility of well-paying employment opportunities, higher salaries, lowest taxation, vigorous economy and superior lifestyle these factors together make Alberta a leading immigration destination for work & residence purposes, in the Maple Leaf Country, through the Provincial Nominee Program.
Who Are Eligible?
The Alberta PNP or the AINP candidate should get a Nomination Certificate by Alberta prior to presenting a petition. The aspirant has to present a separate submission to the CIC post he gets nomination from the province. The AINP provides permit sanction for the various categories, each boasting of its own sub-categories.
AINP Strategic Recruitment Class Eligibility
There is no requirement of any job offer to be entitled for the category. Alberta sub-categories are:
- Compulsory and Optional Trades Category
- Engineering Occupations Category
- Post-Graduate Worker Category
AINP Employer Driven Class Eligibility
It necessitates a suitable employment offer from a job provider based in Alberta to be qualified for this category, the sub-categories are:
Skilled Worker Category
- Employment offer ought to be in a skilled profession (NOC O, A, B)
- The aspirants should have prescribed education, and specialized training required for the applying position.
International Graduate Class
- Employment offer ought to be in a skilled profession (NOC O, A, B)
- The applicants should have finished a diploma, degree or graduate level documentation from a certified Canadian institution.
- They should have the approved education and expert training needed for the applying opening.
Semi-Skilled Worker Category
The aspirants should posses the necessary qualifications for the work in any of these industries, namely, Food and Beverage processing, Hospitality, Hotel and Lodging, Manufacturing, Trucking, Transportation, and Food service (pilot project).
AINP Self Employed Farmer Class Eligibility
The applicants should have:
- Experience of running a farm trade.
- Qualification and training needed to develop a farming dealing in the province.
- Business blue print and purpose for the farming venture to be duly developed in Alberta.
- Evidence that a fiscal foundation of the nation is giving money for the planned farming business.
- Not less than C$500,000 of equity to invest in the planned farming trade.
- Not less than net worth of C$500,000 or evidence of access to that much sum funds from additional sources.
AINP Family Stream: (Suspended until further notice)
How to File Petition
Post you have gained your approval package from the Alberta province and this covers your nomination certificate you require filing a petition for your PR to the CIC. Your nomination for PNP is legitimate for just six months even as you should submit a petition prior to the expiry date. In case you have allowed an agent, you will be unable to gain the certificate for nomination, and the same will be straight given to your agent.
You also have to present the complete submission to the CIC together with every necessary paper and this covers:
- Original AINP Nomination Document (reproduction ought to be kept for reference by you)
- Done and suitably inked CIC petition forms.
- All prescribed certificates with visa charges.
FAQ: Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program
Question: What is the processing period for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program?
Answer: The petition processing time for the AINP basically depends on the specific visa class you filed a petition for and also the CIC bureau to which you have presented your submission. But, it normally takes somewhere between 6 to 12 months for Skilled Worker and International Graduate Class, and nearly 9 to 15 months for the Semi-skilled Worker Class.
Question: What kind of service or employment offer is required to be qualified for the AINP?
Answer: You require having stable, full-time letter of work from a recruiter/firm of the province.
Question: Do I require filing a petition to the CIC office post gaining nomination certificate from Alberta?
Answer: Yes, you do!
Question: Is it possible to get an update of my position or follow my Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) petition?
Answer: updates on position or follow-ups are denied.
Question: Do I require depositing any charge while presenting a petition to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)?
Answer: There are not-any such requirements. You don’t have to make any payment at the said time. But, post getting the nomination, you require presenting fee to the CIC bureau with your petition.
Make contact with us for additional comprehensive information on the Alberta PNP or the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). Fill in the Appraisal Form to review your possibilities of the AINP permit sanction complying with the latest and amended immigration rules.
The CIC clearly delineates which Immigration agent can represent a submission, for their clients, with the organization. The CIC calls them sanctioned agents.The Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants are one of them; they are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council ( Guarantee that in case you are employing an immigration agent, who gets paid for his services, that he is a certified agent to represent your case with the CIC, and additional government bureaus of Canada.
Even if you seek more information about Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program you can write an email on info@Aimhighadvisory.Com and one of the most experienced immigration consultants will get in touch with you to help you out with your questions and concerns or you can also choose to call us on +971 54 449 9464